
Finally, I've taken a step forward in my freelance and have decided to showcase some of my work. I've been doing photography, off and on, for 15+ years. I am a photography student at the Art Institute of Dallas and a contributing photographer for Living Magazine for the past 7 years.
Please contact me at KarrieKellyPhotography@gmail.com

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I hated my senior pictures. I hated them so much I refused to have them put in the yearbook. Ok, I've never liked a picture of me but these were especially heinous. Me, looking dreamy up at some unknown object to my left, forced smile on my face with a nature backdrop behind me. I remember the photographer telling me it didn't matter that I was in a dress, with trees and foliage behind me and a white post in front of me for me to rest my arms. It looked ridiculous and I felt ridiculous. Another shot he insisted on was me standing in front of a primary color paint splattered backdrop and me in a pale pink dress. You can only image how washed out and out of place I looked.
When I started shooting Seniors, I promised myself I wouldn't make them look like idiots(yes that is the term I used for myself when I looked at my own). I promised that I wouldn't make them look dreamy or bored or make them stand with a post in front of them. My goal is to bring out their personality and have fun doing it.

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