
Finally, I've taken a step forward in my freelance and have decided to showcase some of my work. I've been doing photography, off and on, for 15+ years. I am a photography student at the Art Institute of Dallas and a contributing photographer for Living Magazine for the past 7 years.
Please contact me at KarrieKellyPhotography@gmail.com

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I hated my senior pictures. I hated them so much I refused to have them put in the yearbook. Ok, I've never liked a picture of me but these were especially heinous. Me, looking dreamy up at some unknown object to my left, forced smile on my face with a nature backdrop behind me. I remember the photographer telling me it didn't matter that I was in a dress, with trees and foliage behind me and a white post in front of me for me to rest my arms. It looked ridiculous and I felt ridiculous. Another shot he insisted on was me standing in front of a primary color paint splattered backdrop and me in a pale pink dress. You can only image how washed out and out of place I looked.
When I started shooting Seniors, I promised myself I wouldn't make them look like idiots(yes that is the term I used for myself when I looked at my own). I promised that I wouldn't make them look dreamy or bored or make them stand with a post in front of them. My goal is to bring out their personality and have fun doing it.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Some of my best childhood memories are on the soccer field, track or basketball court. Many hours of exhausting practices and many hours of competition and I wouldn't trade those times for anything. Coming home victorious was such a rush! I still love to feel the excitement and anticipation of sports today through my children. I love the electric atmosphere when its game day!
I love taking team pictures! I have found that parents love the individual attention I can give to their child instead of them being herded by a point and shoot photo tech with little knowledge of photography that is usually assigned to teams by their sporting association.
"Champions keep playing until they get it right."--Billie Jean King

Other focuses

Taking pics of an expectant Mother is such a complete joy for me. No words can ever fully express all the emotions and all the wonder that comes with growing a new life and for me, capturing just a few of those beautiful moments uplifts my spirit and encourages me to delight in my own children.

"There is power that comes to women when they give birth. They don't ask for it, it simply invades them. Accumulates like clouds on the horizon and passes through, carrying the child with it." --Sheryl Feldman

Children Portraits

One of the things I love most in life are kids. Their beautifully honest natures and easy smiles make me want to be around them all the time. I find joy in all children and love capturing moments that go as quickly as they appear. "They grow so fast!" Is an understatement but an understatement that should be remembered daily. Enjoy them while you can.